8 tips on how to prepare for winter ills and chills

New blog post - 8 tips on how to prepare for winter sickness

Hi mama,

Winter is officially here and I don’t know about you but I’m dreading June and July.

Every single year since my twins were born we were always sick in winter with all sorts of viral and bacterial infections.

Kids are truly the ultimate cesspit of germs.

Pre-kids, I had food poisoning after eating dodgy clam chowder in Vancouver airport (never eat clam chowder from Subway!). When I arrived back home, I got to lie on the couch vomiting intermittently and watching Netflix. By myself. Taking care of myself only.

Wow, that was blissful!

Fast forward to last year, when I had gastro, kids also had gastro and husband may also have had gastro (? or some mysterious illness), there was no rest in between being sick and taking care of the kids, and preparing food that may or may not be consumed anyway.

As much as I’m an eternal optimist, I know for a fact that we will all get sick the next few months.

So here are my 8 tips on how to prepare for this silly season:

  • Set aside leftover meals and freeze them so there are always ready-to-heat meals
  • Stock up on easy to prepare meals such as instant soup/can of soup and stock up on staple items like milk, bread, pasta etc
  • Make ice-blocks so you can keep your kids hydrated when they are sick (you can freeze green smoothie so your kids can eat some vegetables too!)
  • Hydration is key so stock up on coconut water, juice or whatever floats your boat. When you or your child have been throwing up for 48 hours straight, you need to get as much fluid as you can. If your children are like mine who hate pamol, you’d need all sorts of juice and chocolate milk to mix it with pamol
  • Check your first aid kit and make sure you have pamol for kids and panadol/paracetamol for the adults and whatever medication your family uses. Throw out any expired medication and restock
  • Stock up on cleaning supplies including hand sanitizer, tissues, Dettol – whatever your family uses
  • Have Healthline or Plunketline number saved on your phone as well as your GP
  • Buddy up with another household, and agree to help each other with supermarket shopping or running errands if needed. Remember to ask for help!


May the force be with you mama!

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